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Hey guys! I was invited to take photos of my friends who portrayed characters from a scientific anime called Cells at Work! It'...

Wednesday 8 January 2014

2013 Cosplay Summary + 2014 Cosplans

AT LAST! Well, this time I will be writing regularly for good now that I got my laptop fixed.

Anyway, as I start this year 2014.. I want to look back the previous cosplays that I have done last year. I counted them just this time and all in all... I did 10 cosplays, costrips and decent trials during my senior year in college (the busiest year of my life ever.) I don't know how I managed to squeeze in my hobby in between duties and school work.

Cee's Cosplay, 2013

Maid, Sakura Haruno, Saber, Sanji, Ada Wong
Panty Anarchy, Miku Hatsune, Rimi Sakihata, Perona, Panty Anarchy

Well, I did not expect that it will reach 10! I can't believe I did all of these characters.
^_^ I hope 2014 will be as good as last year.. OR even better!

Cosplans 2014

Saeko Busujima, Soah and Sakura Hima
I am planning to create only these 3 cosplays for this year because I still have lots of costumes in my closet that I have not worn even once. I collect costumes for a hobby so I think it's nice to wear them once in a while.

Progress notes on these cosplays:
For Saeko Busujima of Highschool of the Dead, I already have her wig and I had transacted with a tailor for her costume and a props maker for her sword.

For Soah of Bride of the Water God, I also have her wig and I had transacted with a propsmaker for her wedding crown.

For Sakura Hime Artbook version of Tsubasa Chronicles, I only have an unstyled wig and a small-sized mokona doll. If there will be a cosplay event here in our city, maybe I will really pursue this cosplay.

I hope I can fulfill all of these three this year. fingers crossed!

So that's that for my first post in 2014. Thank you for reading and happy new year! 

1 comment:

  1. cool! great! want to see you cosplaying the three cosplays :3


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