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Hey guys! I was invited to take photos of my friends who portrayed characters from a scientific anime called Cells at Work! It'...

Monday, 16 December 2013

The Yuletide Giveaway

Hey there! I am still struggling to get back to blogging as I lost my laptop just recently. The poor thing succumbed to computer virus and now I am using the old PC we have which is super lag that it takes me a minute or two to just log in to anything (sometimes more than a minute if I have many tabs open!)

I've been creating my giveaway photo and the rafflecopter app for about 4 hours now. UGH! But for you, my dear readers, I am willing to extend my patience just to bring you ANOTHER GIVEAWAY with an awesome prize! 

KKCenterHK, a shopping website that sells beauty products just sponsored a cosplay wig for this giveaway.
Yes, you can win a wig for free! 

Cee's Wonderland

The Yuletide Giveaway!
1 (One) Two Clip On Wavy Ponytail Cosplay Full Wig
Personally, I think you can cosplay Miku Hatsune's Senbonzakura version with this wig. Or you can wear it with a matching lolita outfit or just wear it for fun! 

To join the giveaway, just follow the simple mechanics found on the rafflecopter app below:

***If a task on the Rafflecopter gadget is NOT APPLICABLE to you, PLEASE SKIP IT. If you would type anything such as "none", "n/a", etc. and submit it, the points allotted for that task would still be credited to you even though you did not do the task asked. This is one form of CHEATING, may it be intentional or not. So DO NOT TYPE ANYTHING ON THE VERIFICATION BOX AND SUBMIT IT if you do not have the account for the task or you did not/choose not to do it. We do these giveaways for our faithful readers and it would be unfair to those who really exerted the effort to do every single task to gain their rightful points. Thank you and Good luck!

This giveaway will end on December 30, 2013 and is open toPhilippine Residents ONLY. 
The Winner will be chosen shortly after. 
It will be announced on this blog and/or on my social media accounts.

Good luck and Merry Christmas! 

Online Shop:


  1. Yay! Another giveaway from Ce''s Wonderland with KKCenterhk! Patapos na din ang 2013. That's why I want to thank all of my friends especially Ma'am Cee. Merry CHristmas and Happy New Year to all the bloggers and readers!


  2. Facebook Name: Fernandez Erica Celine Cassandra
    E-mail Address: eccpabellon@gmail.com
    Location: Talomo, Davao City, PH 8000

    Humm, what do I love about Christmas?
    1.) After they Typhoon Haiyan and the war between the Army and the communists in Zamboanga, I saw the spirit of Bayanihan among the Filipino men by helping the victims, whatever race you came from or what country you came from. I really love the SPIRIT OF BAYANIHAN: THIS WHERE FILIPINOS SHOW THEIR CONCERN TOWARDS THE PEOPLE BY HELPING HAND-IN-HAND.

    2.) The SPIRIT OF LOVE, GIVING AND FORGIVENESS is around. I learned it form the experienced when my father died on December 17. I know it was too hard to forgive my father but I found greater peace to forgive him. Christmas is not about gifts, food and whatsoever things that we have. It's the virtues and thanksgiving because God send his only begotten son on earth to save human kind.

    Yep. That's what I really love about Christmas: WHEN PEOPLE WAS SHOWING THE FILIPINO VIRTUES TO THEIR OWN KABABAYAN ~ ♥


  3. Share what you love about Christmas!
    ---> my family reunion in Christmas Celebration <3

    Credit to: Cee's Wonderland & KKCenterHk for inviting and giving us the chance to join this Yuletide Giveaway <3 .. Long Live, Merry Christmas and Happy New year !!

    Facebook Name: Elrine Buisan(Elie Chan)
    E-mail Address: elie14hitsugaya@yahoo.com
    Location: Zamboanga City

  4. Fb name: Bianca Beatriz Banagudos
    Email: avannabrielle@gmail.com
    Loc: Zamboanga City

  5. Facebook Name: Kent Navarro
    Email Address: nkenno@yahoo.com
    Location: Zamboanga City, Philippines

  6. what i love about christmas is the family reunions!

    caryn morales
    pagadian city

  7. what i love about christmas is the family reunions!

    fb name: nyrac selarom
    pagadian city

  8. I love Christmas because it's time of season of LOVE and GIVING.
    Facebook Name: Chelle Cayabyab
    E-mail Address: michellecayabyab_22@yahoo.com
    Location: 82-1400 Bagana Street Brgy. Balikatan CAA Las Pinas City

  9. Hope to win!
    Good luck to those joining! :3

  10. the things that i LOVE about Christmas are giving and sharing.. well specially receiving XD.. i hope i will be picked :)
    Facebook Name: Regina Villarias
    E-mail Address: yumiko_14@rocketmail.com
    Location: Los Baños, Laguna

  11. The best thing I like about christmas is getting together with family and of course, CHRISTMAS BREAK from school. (Just being honest hahahahah).

    Facebook Name: Lara Novales

    E-mail Address: lara.novales [at] gmail [dot] com

    Location:Bacolod City

  12. Facebook Name: Chelar Luna
    E-mail Address: sapeyluna@yahoo.com (yahoo mail) lunachelar@yahoo.com (facebook)
    Location: Pampanga

    what i like about christmas is the smiles of those people you gave gifts that makes them happy :)

  13. Facebook Name: Bianca Grace Contreras
    Email: Hitsumi666@gmail.com
    Location: Pasig

    What I like about Christmas is seeing my family smile, Even if there has been a lot of tragedies and sadness, a little smile and laughter will go a long way.

  14. Facebook Name: Rya Ducusin
    Email: ryseline0617@gmail.com
    Location: Marikina

    what i like about christmas is the smiles and music all around. also when there are a lot of people in malls,schools and bazaars :)

  15. Christmas is just a season for me.... the thing I am excited fro is the essence of Christmas. The driving force that gives a quick push to our spirits every end of the year.
    I think this essence is God's grace over his people.

    I've been observing that every before Christmas (a week, or a few days before) a tragedy would come acrros the Philippines. It shatters the hearts of many...but still... we seek to have a grand Christmas inspite of all the bad happenings around. T

    his is what I do believe to be the essence of Christmas.
    Thanks giving that Jesus has been born into the world. This is what I like about Christmas. Thanks giving. Because Christmas was never about us, it was, is and will alwasy be ABOUT HIM. :)

    Ami-hime Amoroso Posadas

  16. What i love about christmas? is when you give gifts to the children . you can see that they were too happy when its xmas day

  17. What i like about xmas is when you give gifts to children you can see how happy they were when its xmas

    FB name: alisha czarina montero
    EMAIL: czarina2121@yahoo.com
    LOCATION: santa rosa. LAGUNA


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