Featured post


Hey guys! I was invited to take photos of my friends who portrayed characters from a scientific anime called Cells at Work! It'...

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Figure Photos - Perona of One Piece

So I bought a new figure to add to my collection - Perona of One Piece. I am actually not a big One Piece fan but I have watched a few episodes from the anime. What I love about this series are the gorgeous female characters - may it be a mermaid, a pirate or a royalty - and Perona is one them. This made me want to buy the figure from that shop the moment I saw it.  LOL And I just swore the day before I bought the figure that I will start cost-cutting for my next cosplay. Oh well. A little figure won't hurt my savings.

On with the photos! This one is a full body shot of the figure. I want that flat stomach. @_@

Figure Photos - Perona of One Piece

Anyway, I still can't shake off my addiction to portrait shots. So the entire set consists of portrait shots of the figure taken by my bedroom window.

Figure Photos - Perona of One Piece

Figure Photos - Perona of One Piece

Figure Photos - Perona of One Piece

Figure Photos - Perona of One Piece

I am planning to buy scale figures next and maybe construct a real figure photography setup soon. Can't wait!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Make your own PLUGY - Earphone Jack Accessory

I saw this photo online of a cute cat plug on an iPhone's earphone jack. I browsed for it on the web and found out that these cute accessories that comes in different character designs, usually called PLUGY, prevent dirt and dust from getting into the earphone slot. I have not seen a store here in Zamboanga that sells these cute plugs so I decided to make my own out of a few things found in my room. 

Materials needed:

  • gule gun
  • pencil topper/decor (I don't know what  it is called. Gomen!)
  • old earphones (That you won't use anymore. Trust me. Use something that's not working.)
  • A sharp pair of scissors
Another topper I own. These things were famous back then when I was in grade school. :)
The pencil topper I chose.

I used this old pencil topper that I found on my desk. It's that decor kids put on top of a pencil. :)

I used my old earphones for this plugy. My dog made it a chew toy one night so it's pretty much useless now.

REMINDER! Make sure the earphones will fit in your phone's jack. 

Let's make the plugy!

First thing you do is to plug on your glue gun because it will take time to heat up. It will be ready once you are done with these following steps.

Cut the jack from the earphones using the scissors. Careful with this step! It's a little bit hard to cut it off.

Glue on the tip of the jack so that it won't fall off when you insert it on the pencil topper.

Insert the jack with the glue in the pencil topper. Push it all the way until only the metal jack can be seen outside.

Now your done! Go on and plug your jack accessory on your phone and brag it to your friends!

Easy, eh?

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Combing your wig + Wig care

Knowing how to take care of wigs is important as a cosplayer. Cosplay wigs, especially the expensive ones, don't need much attention but if left alone after using may cause its ultimate wig death. Here are a few simple steps in how to comb long wigs and caring for it when not in use. 

In combing wigs, a special kind of comb must be used to avoid the breakage of the wig fibers. After researching and reading a lot about wig care, I discovered that using plastic combs may cause static electricity on the wig fibers and it will eventually cause its breakage.

A metal comb or brush is suitable for combing wigs. I found this cheap comb from a local store:
Metal-toothed comb for wigs
This here is my Gakupo wig. I just wore this somewhere (I forgot when and where!) and I was preparing to store it in my closet.
The base wig
The clip on
This is a video of how I combed this 100 centimeter-long wig set (both base wig and clip on). This method is applicable to wigs in any length. If you have a cheap synthetic wig, you can comb it this way BUT extra care must be rendered while doing it. (Click here for my post on the different kinds of wigs)

For the short version of the video, here's a photo tutorial on how to comb your wig:

Start with the bottom of the wig. Try untangling the wig slowly so that the fibers won't break off.

Bring the tangles down and try combing it carefully on the tip of the wig (easier than de-tangling it in the middle)

Repeat this method until you reach the top part of the wig. Be very careful on de-tangling the wig to avoid breakage of the wig fibers.

After de-tangling every part of the wig, slowly comb it from top to bottom until you are satisfied. 

After combing it, place the wig on a wig stand if you are planning to use it in the near future. If not, store it in a plastic cover and keep it in a closet or a box with your other wigs. Leaving a wig exposed for a long time on a wig stand will eventually become brittle and will result to more breakage of fibers when handling it.

What do you want to read next? Post your tutorial suggestion and or questions below and I might write a post about it next time!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Zamboanga Bloggers Meetup - Portrait and Lookbook Shots

Final photos from the Zamboanga Bloggers meetup last week! The girls were kind enough to pose for my camera - they deserve different post for the final set of photos.

My favorite is taking portrait shots of people. But this time around, I tried taking whole body photos for their lookbook accounts. 

Enjoy the photos, girls! ^_^










Sunday, 22 July 2012

First Meetup with Zamboanga Bloggers

So I joined a group a few weeks ago to learn more about blogging and to meet other bloggers based in Zamboanga since I don't have any blogging friends and I wanted to learn more about this hobby, the perks and pros of writing online.

The meetup was organized by Janna and Rhea and a few members showed up and shared a thing or two about their blogs. ^_^
Janna explained a few things on how to start blogging, what to do and what not to do when blogging and other perks like how to earn by blogging. They were nice enough to listen when I shared about how me and my friends cosplay here in Zamboanga. Their questions on where we get our costumes and where we usually cosplay gave me a new idea to blog about. ^_^

My seatmate for that afternoon, Patricia! Here she is, showing off a piece of candy Janna gave us. Yum! 

This is Patsy. She's an anime lover. *yay* We had a little chat about a few anime series like one of my new faves, Kimi ni Todoke. She shot some funny remarks during the lecture which made it more enjoyable.

The meetup ended with a mini shoot...


A photo of all of us present during that meetup.
Sitting L-R: Rhea, Kai, Nelka and Natasha. Standing: Cee, Patricia, Shine, Janna, Patsy and Ropa Jane.

I am looking forward to the next meetup. Hope to meet a lot more bloggers and even a cosplay blogger! 

Won a raffle giveaway from Kai!

A bottle of perfume and an ELF lip gloss. Mom liked the perfume so much she asked if she can have it. Better get a bottle of this perfume for me next time!

PS: I am going to write a separate post for my portrait and lookbook shots of the girls. Look forward to that! For now, here's a teaser: 

Her name is Shine.

Open Shoot for ZANEC Newbies


May 13, 2012

The idea of a minishoot for the newbies of ZANEC came in to my mind when I noticed that we had no welcome party or whatsoever to make them feel "at home". We had a week to plan and Gail helped me out a lot. Alyssa as very helpful in trimming wigs and helping out in preparing. A few ZANEC members were also present that time to cheer for us. It was a fun afternoon for all of us.

Alyssa in Lolita Fashion


Ishan as Hatsune Miku

Marigin as Rin Kagamine
*note: The photo above photo was displayed in an art exhibit last June. Read more about it here.


It was really a nice afternoon. I got to practice not only my photography skills but also my so-called makeup skills and wig styling! All of this in one shoot. Ain't it awesome?


Oh yeah. I started shooting a few photos for GIFs. I'll try doing this on every cosplay shoot in the future. :)

Following the leader!
The Black Rabbit and the Black Alice

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