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Hey guys! I was invited to take photos of my friends who portrayed characters from a scientific anime called Cells at Work! It'...

Saturday, 31 December 2011

My Last Post for the Year 2011

I’ll end this wonderful year by writing a blog post. First off, my next cosplay: Gogo Yubari.

Black Mamba VS Gogo Yubari
Kill Bill Volume 1

The photo above is the scene I am going to portray (hopefully) this coming MCTV Movie Mania (To know more about the event, click here). 
This is how I completed my cosplay. I will write a comprehensive tutorial in the future for those of you who wants to cosplay this character, too.

Cosplay in progress: Gogo Yubari
1st photo: Me wearing the completed costume. Recycled a blazer and white shirt from a previous cosplay. No tweaking needed! It has the color of Gogo's coat and buttons.
L-R: a) The raw materials for the mace. Styroball and 2 dog's leashes. I joined the leashes together and attached a short PVC pipe for the handle. The styroball melted when my dad spray-painted it. I'll get a new styroball soon. Lesson learned! 
        b) The bow tie! I made it using my accessory-making skills. LOL. It was pretty easy since mom taught me how to do it years ago.
        c) The skirt! Used one meter of fabric. Mom made it! 

I started early in preparing for the event since I know that I will be very busy this January. A huge wave of quizzes and requirements coming!

Cee's Cosplay 2011

I started cosplaying and blogging this year. Met wonderful otaku friends to share my interests with and got closer to my family. Plus, wonderful gifts this Christmas. I would like to thank God for all of these, my family, friends and to YOU! Thank you for being a part of my life.

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Thank you for reading and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012~!

Thursday, 29 December 2011

EVENT: Movie Mania 2012

To all Zamboanga Otakus, I'll be going to the MCTV Movie Mania this coming January 28, 2012. But I am going to arrive late (lol) so please don't go home early. I wanna see you guys. :D

 My article on this event

I am going to feature this event in the Otaku House blogs. So please pose in front of my camera.
I'll be going as someone who has an excuse to be a crazy-ass girl. Been waiting to act like that!
To those who want to register as a cospalyer or just as a con-goer, go to Chinz Variety Shoppe or the Mindanao Cable office.

So who are you going as, Cee?
I am going as... drumroll... GOGO YUBARI from Kill Bill!

Gogo Yubari of Kill Bill

So yeah, she's a crazy girl with a mace in a Japanese school uniform. I'll be making my own costume and weapon so wish me luck!

See you there!

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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Cosplay plans that I might not be able to fulfill PART2

                This is a continuation of my previous post. These plans are unlikely to happen for some reasons stated below every photo. 

McMiku? :)

                 Okay, so this is, for me, the most interesting version of Miku Hatsune of Vocaloid 2. In this photo, she actually looks like an offspring of McDonald. LOL. I have always wanted to cosplay Miku and what more to do my first is to cosplay a unique version? :)
Why not? Actually, I can pull this cosplay off. But I got a list on who to cosplay and this one is in the bottom. 

Coyote Starrk - Bleach

                  Okay. Coyote Starrk is my favorite Espada. He is like the coolest Espada ever made! *Fanscream

                  It is because of him why I am into characters with two guns. And my first OOC was inspired by him - Mutsuhiko Saito

Why not?

                  Well, first of all, I think he is too great and I guess I won't be able to "play" that part well. Maybe I will do this if I gain more confidence. (And I need to watch the whole arrancar arc. LOL)

Yoko - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

                  So yeah, I think looking at this photo gives you the reason why I cannot pull this cosplay off. wig is not a problem, costume and the weapon too. But yeah, I don't have that smexy body.

Well I might write about my REAL cosplans (Characters I will cosplay). Maybe next year? Got a few posts to write before that one. :)

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Saturday, 17 December 2011

Cosplay plans that I might not be able to fulfill PART1

                So yeah, I got some nerve to dream on cosplaying the following characters. But WTH cosplaying is all about fun. And I really love these characters that I am about to show you. Some of the reasons why I can’t pull it off are the costume problems, gender problems and characterization. Sometimes, I can’t act out the character properly and ended up being foolish and out of character. Just like what I did with Ichigo. Up until now, I am still practising his glare and facial expression. It’s a challenge and I love it!
                So, here are the characters that belong to the “impossible dreams” section. Enjoy!

Kou Shuurei - Saiunkoku Monogatari
The story was sooo cheesy! Still Shuurei is on my list for I am a fan of anime set in old Japan.
Why not? Well, if I will cosplay this character, I might need to order her costume online (which is very costly for a jobless person like me). This costume looks really complicated and my seamstress might not be able to do it. Her hair is also a bit complicated too. I need to create it from scratch and I still have not found any tutorials on the Internet. My hair is not that long too and I think a wig might not be able to stand the headdress and this much styling. 

Lelouch vi Britannia - Emperor Lelouch 
Code Geass R2
I love this guy and this was one of the most complicated costume he wore. I want to feel a little bit regal while once in a while. 
Why not? It's not that complicated but money matters (LOL). I think I need to save up for this cosplay. It might cost me about five times than the usual price of my previous costumes. It's a little bit difficult since I am a still a student and I got no job right now. 

Mari Makinami - Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.0
Why not? I am still on the search for the right fabric and a skilled seamstress to make this costume. My mom advised me not to rush things because it might just come out not as good as it can be. My mom is just very supportive of my hobby.

Cloud Strife – Final Fantasy Advent Children
Yes, I really do want to cosplay this oh-so-awesome, drop dead gorgeous, mouth watering FICTIONAL CHARACTER!
Why not?
I googled "Cloud Strife cosplay" and Kaname-sama's face flashed all over the screen. BOOM! Dreams broken. Those flashy moves he did on "Advent Children" will STAY on the screen. Oh well. Where will i get those biceps anyway?

Well, that's it for now! Will post the second part soon. And I might post my real plans for 2012. I have written it like a few weeks ago for the first half of 2012! (So I guess I am really excited!)

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Sunday, 4 December 2011

WMSU Palaro 2011 - Cosplay Competition

I just recently knew about this so forgive me for the lack of updates. Yes I am a member of the Nihon Fure Ai Kai but sadly, I was not able to attend the meeting for this year’s WMSU PALARO. I got infos about this from a friend.
The Nihon Fure Ai Kai (A Touch of Japan Club) will be hosting a mini cosplay competition open to all starting Monday, December 5, 2011. Participants are to submit a photo of the character they are going to cosplay. Voting system is the basis to select the winner. Most number of votes will win a prize.
Will you be joining, Cee?
Sadly, no. I won’t be able to join since I did not know such an event exist until yesterday. I was planning to cosplay Misa Amane but I lack preprations. (L) AND I was chosen to be the head of the Movie House. I guess I can’t go walking around WMSU while managing the movie house. OH WELL, maybe I’ll cosplay next year’s palaro.
Visit Nihon Fure Ai Kai’s booth!! I am still not sure what room we were assigned to but it will be definitely at the College of Nursing. See you there!

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