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Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Ultimate Cagayan de Oro Vacation Part 1: HAUL

So at last I came out of hiatus again to bring you where all of my money went. (Yeah, been saving for a year for that ultimate vacation shopping spree).

I am not really into spending much during mall trips but this time I was in one of my favorite cities: CAGAYAN DE ORO!

CDO has one of the best shopping sites among the places that I have been (the malls, the tiangge tiangge) so I did not hesitate in spending my savings there. And in the end, everything was worth my money!

So this is part one of my haul last Holy Week vacation. Not a very long post, I tell you. For I want to separate my vacation report into several parts to avoid a novel of a post. LOL 

So this is a post about the things that I bought for my collection. LOL
Most of these items cannot be found here in Zamboanga so I was very lucky to find it during my shopping escapades.

Them not random dolls, I tell you. :)
Also uploaded on my FB page. 
Let me explain each of these dolls that I bought. :)

The first doll to the left is the Pig Rabbit, famous for it's appearance on the Korean Drama "You're Beautiful". I have not watched this series yet but I know the Pig-Rabbit doll so I instantly bought this one the minute I saw it in a store in CDO.

Photo Source
Ain't it adorable?
The next doll is the adorable Mirmo from the anime series Mirmo! I am an otaku so I cannot pass this one up. I love Mirmo's adorable characteristics. :))

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Next is the Radish doll from Rooftop Prince! Now this is the actual highlight of my doll haul. I have been watching the Korean series and I know that the Radish doll that appeared in it was very valuable to the main characters of the story. I can't believe I now own a radish doll. I'll watch Rooftop Prince with it. Ultimate fan!

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And last are the two pokemon dolls for my Pikachu costrip: Clefairy and Jigglypuff. :)

Speaking of Pikachu, here's a jacket that I bought from Centrio Ayala Mall Comic Alley:

Also uploaded on my FB Page
Now where's that Pokeball? :)

That's it!! This is more of an otaku haul than an actual shopping haul. LOL
I hoped you liked what I bought. I know I am a bit too old for dolls, but hey, I collect them! 

Tell me what you did last Holy Week. Comment down below!


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