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Hey guys! I was invited to take photos of my friends who portrayed characters from a scientific anime called Cells at Work! It'...

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Zamboanga's KPop Gathering III - The KCosplay

Yours truly was one of the judges for this competition. I really enjoyed watching KPop enthusiasts dressed up as their KPop idols. Can't help but fangirl together with the community.

Anyway, Congratulations to the winner, Siwon of SuJu! His overall performance and appeal just took my breath away. LOL!

Anyway, photos of the event will be posted soon. Stay tuned ^_^

Sunday, 10 May 2015

#SummerNaZambo2015 - Kite Festival!

photo taken from https://www.facebook.com/ZamboHermosaFestival2014

I was invited to cosplay during the annual Kite Festival hosted by the City of Zamboanga. Watching the unique kites soar high and having to actually hold them was the best part of the entire event! 

Yours truly and Liz trying to learn a dance sequence for our production number. Waa~~

It was nice to get recognized as the character I was cosplaying. I rarely cosplay popular characters in public so this was a big thing for me. (My mind goes like this whenever someone gets my character right: Yes! You're right. I am Sailor Moon!)

Thank you so much to Kuya Ced for the invite! And thank you to my friends @Sheedow and Gairu for joining us. Let's fly our own kite next year, maybe? :)

With the cosplay crew!
Photo by https://www.facebook.com/akoangdakilangsaging

Sunday, 3 May 2015

CEE as Sakura Kinomoto- Photography by TOMORT PRODUCTION


Card Captor Sakura is one of my all-time favorite anime character. I've watched the whole series more than five times and collected stickers and stationary sets with her photos on it. (during my time, collecting these were really popular. LOL)

The shoot was done in one day together with my Miku Hatsune Lots of Laugh MV Cosplay by Mr. Tommy Bans of  Tomort Production. He was the one who invited me and requested for two cosplay sets for that afternoon session.

This was the first cosplay set that I wore that afternoon. I was still establishing rapport with Mr. Tommy and his wife. (I got really nervous during the entire session!)

Despite feeling tensed, I tried as hard as I can to portray Sakura Kinomoto

The wand was beautifully made by Mark Ongchua. Although it was more of a staff than a wand, I still loved it! It was kind of proportional to my size and it looked like it was going to take flight anytime soon. (The wings are a bit bigger compared to the anime version.)

I kind of looked like an adult version of Sakura (High School Sakura version?) LOL

Anyway, this blue maid outfit was seen during the Little Card episode, where Tomoyo visited Sakura's home and had her try off a new costume when the Little card cast a spell on her, making her small - similar to what happened to Alice in Alice in Wonderland.

This was my first cosplay after the long hiatus (went on a cosplay break because of my board exam review). It felt good going back to cosplay after the loong review!

I hope I can redo Sakura by the end of the year. This time I'll get a better wig and have a better costume made. Maybe I'll cosplay the opening song version. (And film a cosplay video as well? LOL)

What do you guys think?

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