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Hey guys! I was invited to take photos of my friends who portrayed characters from a scientific anime called Cells at Work! It'...

Saturday 5 April 2014

Visual Kei Band in the Philippines - UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ - Liwnag Sa Dilim cover

UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ does it again!
The Visual Kei rock band that is based in Japan will be returning to the Philippines to perform in Davao City during the BOA Summer Live on May 4, 2104.

Just like last time, they made a cover of a local OPM rock song as a promotional video for their coming performance. 

I want to attend the convention! Too bad I live far from Davao City.

My friends and I are fans of the Visual Kei fashion. We produced a photo shoot and music video cover a couple of years ago.
Read it here:

1 comment:

  1. i really want to watch their live performance... sayang lang at di ako makapunta...


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